P.S. We didn't catch the four specials so we couldn't include them.
Untalkative Bunny takes a call from a telemarketer.
Untalkative Bunny swims to an underwater arabesque when UB's apartment is flooded.
UB is harassed by a comical clam. Why!
Squirrel stalks UB with a bag of pistachio nuts.
UB poses for pictures to get to Honolulu.
UB takes a CD-ROM ballet lesson and must maintain a cheesecake-free figure.
Untalkative Bunny mails a letter in the rain.
UB visits the airport as luggage.
UB's afternoon is disturbed by bells and buzzers.
UB turns the apartment into a sick ward for fallen leaves.
UB has sighing eyes on a horse pattern sofa.
Untalkative Bunny milks a cow in a grocery store.
UB takes in three stray kittens.
UB trespasses a house like Goldilocks.
UB is overexposed to Squirrel and Squirrel's hoard.
UB and Emu try out for a cheerleading team's mascot position.
Squirrel has a pesty apetite for birdseed.
UB puzzles with an elevator.
UB and Squirrel represent the youth of today.
UB meets Friendly for the first time before future misused appearances.
UB's bedtime is disturbed.
Untalkative Bunny undergoes a metamorphosis.
Jordano styles UB's fur.
UB cleans up.
UB is put off by attentive wait staff.
UB pumps up.
Untalkative Bunny faints from an encounter with soundmaking squirrels.
UB schemes to rescue a chocolate bunny from the sun.
UB slams teachers in a therapy session.
UB abandons Happy Air Flight 909.
UB is is sheered by a duncey sheep federation.
Untalkative Bunny along with a comfortable couch gets driven to a dump outside of town.
UB has trouble interacting on the farm while Squirrel sets up a search for a missing friend.
Untalkative Bunny disco dances through the night with a newly hatched chick.
UB wakes up perched on a fencepost and is caught having coffee and reading the paper in the farmhouse. Groundhogs make a cute popping out of the ground noise.
A fox is enamoured by UB.
Untalkative Bunny poses as a golden sloth at the zoo.
UB and Squirrel rent a Mothra video when their theatre experience is dashed.
Emu skulks in UB's apartment during a blackout.
UB is late for school and has a chat with the principal.
UB is mistaken for a reclusive author at a bookstore.
Squirrel gorges on peanut butter.
UB follows a radio doctor's hugging cure for loneliness.
UB is stifled in kindergarten.
UB gets soap in the eyes and gets caught in the shower curtain.
UB and Squirrel are terrible mechanics.
Untalkative Bunny frees a turkey from the supermarket with a personality to shrug about.
UB browses a pet store and makes a purchase.
UB and Squirrel befriend dolphins.
Squirrel's son is one year older and crushes UB with an ungracious response to UB's gift.
UB has a creepy introduction to pink-faced Mangoose.
Untalkative Bunny camps unhappily.
UB and Squirrel bring the elements indoors through mime.
UB is suspect.
UB models a fruit plate.
Emu spoils the salad bar at the Giant Peanut Motel.
Untalkative Bunny, Squirrel, and Emu perform a ballet story.
UB runs errands for the father of a stranger who tossed out his cell phone for a reason.
UB wanders a vegetable factory.
A matchmaking cat sets UB and Squirrel up on a date.
UB visits Beaver for television.
Untalkative Bunny cautiously approaches an elastic thrill recreation activity.
UB shops at a sports store and lets football imaginations run wild.
UB flexes thespian talents.
UB holds an Olympiad.
Mer-Emu appears in Untalkative Bunny's fantasy escape from a cold apartment.
Emu fuels the fireplace with the clothing of neighbours.
UB journeys to the centre of Squirrel Hotel.
UB bakes a warm wardrobe.
UB hosts an unbopping party.
Untalkative Bunny parts with beloved tv.
UB pays a visit to neighbours with cable television.
UB visits Squirrel and they watch Emu participating in the grocery game show 'Hoard All You Can.'
UB walks in on the set of a soap drama.
UB has friends and a film projector.
Untalkative Bunny tries to jog out carrot cake gut.
UB races as an international star athlete.
UB shops at a health food store and gets hit in the wallet.
UB takes up yoga and gets an inaccurate aura reading.
UB takes up skating to impress girls.
Untalkative Bunny impressionably calls a psychic hotline.
UB has teen idol concert fun.
UB joins a severe book club.
UB transports himself into medieval times at the theatre.
UB and Squirrel duel at the arcade on a game called 'Hoard All You Can.' Fantastic sound.
Talkative Synopsis
Untalkative Bunny's upstairs neighbour Emu gets a specific kind of piano and reveals a sensitive side?
Emu redecorates. But is fickle.
UB and Squirrel apparently explore a voyeur's (not-well-hidden) passageway.
UB escapes jackhammers at the beach.
UB doesn't heed the title's advice and gets encased in concrete.
Untalkative Bunny shares tea with a vacuously friendly puffball and feels alone in the world.
UB joins Squirrel for classic family reunion games.
With dial-up internet UB enlists a family finding service to introduce a meaningful connection to another living animal.
UB mingles.
Favourite Episode
UB puts Nazca lines in the carpet and gives Phone-a-Friend Enterprises a second chance.
Talkative Synopsis
Untalkative Bunny, Squirrel, and Emu are in for an unsolicited half-hour of being taught. Etiquette. By the acting school teacher's fussy alter ego.
UB acts out a domestic scene with a dollhouse before having a dream sequence about holding the door open for a walking carrot.
The trio watch a visually humourous educational film about the importance of proper grooming, with potato chip crumbs meshed into their fur all the while.
An episode peppered with speculate-able tidbits. Is UB really Bondage Wallaby? Also, Emu has a conditioned relationship with French soft cheeses.
The trio say goodbye to Madomoiselle as she is escorted out of the arcade by security. 'Hoard All You Can' makes another appearance.
A peanut shortage brings squirrels around the world to a tall peanut butter sandwich.
UB takes a spill from a runaway shopping cart.
Emu swaps vacation homes with Australians.
UB is invited to an evening of mystery.
A wave sweeps UB into an underwater castle.
UB is visited by a cute premise and a professional marmot model.
UB and Squirrel attend a green space fundraiser that disappreciates their city apartments.
UB and Squirrel sample volunteering opportunities.
UB twinkles on toes before being misguidedly shuttled to the forest. (UB not only closes the front door
but locks it in this episode!) When UB gets back home by bus, UB displays a montage of cultivation as UB
hosts a social afternoon.
UB takes a stringent afternoon at the art museum, but is turned onto conceptual art anyway.
Hits of disturbance.
An animate doll appeals to UB's misassigned compassion. A face of resignment at right.
UB has a fashion show on UB's ears and purchases a home sensory ambiance improvement device.
UB exercises facial muscle groups before a ballet studio's vending machine arrives. An episode additionally revealing UB's subtle ballet passion and introducing Squirrel's gambling hobby.
UB is made over by a monstrously fangled beauty machine.
Yellow Sir gets a friendship scroll at the fair and Beaver makes a lagoon appearance.
UB finds in tidy boxes that orderliness cramps living.
UB spices up at the food fair.
Another lucky dumpster dive.
UB is sold on fruit and vegetable paper product.
(I was only able to record two bits of the episode)
UB gets a home make over.
Squirrel presents a danger-cheating nature.
UB has a velvety record collection and Emu has a pimped out ride.
UB slides backstage on a performance of Swan Lake and dresses up.
UB and Squirrel go to see a perplexingly cheesy lounge act.
Untalkative Bunny looks crafty in goggles.
UB returns a Carmen Miranda apple.
UB falls prey to a joke shop.
UB jogs up to a tri-tone lemon machine.
UB tries a hand at unappealing pratfallery.
Watch Untalkative Bunny pull a rabbit out of a hat multiplied by heads of lettuce.
May Not Be Actual Title
UB journeys to the bottom of a hat.
Classic price-less magician!
UB apprentices a card throwing trick.
UB can't stop floating adorably.
Untalkative Bunny has sewing skills and cute scenes of sleep-deprivation.
UB gets a hairpiece.
UB has to get to macrame class on time. Personally resonating alarm clocks setup.
UB shares the apartment with ants and has a watermelon-induced hallucination.
UB turns back the clock.
Untalkative Bunny and Squirrel take to the links.
The UB gang competes in a scavenger hunt.
UB corrals friends with the party game of hide and seek.
UB worries about nut allergies on behalf of Squirrel.
UB joins an inane knitting circle.
Untalkative Bunny, Squirrel, and Emu race.
UB gets prescription glasses.
UB raises an ungrateful flytrap.
Garnish overload.
UB is a poor disciplinarian.
(Another partial episode recorded in three bits)
Untalkative Bunny travels the countryside by rail.
UB and Squirrel star in an instructional episode with funnily square narration.
UB gets a high-tech houseguest.
The horror of a hugging machine rids UB's hiccups.
UB runs through a list of superstitions.
Untalkative Bunny and Squirrel are city mama's boys.
UB is misled by a portrait painter.
Emu has a secret valentine.
UB and Squirrel win a coconut at the midway.
Ducklings hatch in UB's window box.
Untalkative Bunny has a toothache.
UB gets stressed.
UB's chores stack up.
UB and Squirrel dine out and rescue a cat with giant utensils.
UB is a cat person.
Untalkative Bunny gets a life-tip from the postman.
UB scouts the house for the central piece of a jigsaw puzzle.
UB visits the Bear Brothers department store.
UB and Squirrel rescue citizens from domestic unhandiness.
UB and Disco Chick have an introductory pass at the spa.
Untalkative Bunny grows an oasis in the city.
The most tickling snapshot of Emu!
UB upgrades from a desk lamp to the hypnotic bulbs of a discothèque.
More player piano action.
UB breaks away from Starbucks.
Untalkative Bunny and Squirrel have grace in their feet.
Poet Cat passes Mellow Yellow some ketchup.
Poet Cat hosts an evening party.
UB and Squirrel take a shift as night watchmen.
UB is shushed out of the library.
Untalkative Bunny and gang have a towel snapping frenzy.
UB sits in on a coffee quitting club.
UB touches germs in a public washroom.
Naked Guy and Small Red Guy get into stickers.
A rare stick insect nests on UB's television.
Untalkative Bunny gets in the cab of a discomforting driver.
UB and Squirrel tap a maple syrup bottle.
UB passes a puck. (>_<) :p
UB has a stint as a driving instructor.
UB tours the CN Tower.
Untalkative Bunny and Beaver attend a hockey game.
UB renews a licence to drive.
UB and Llama tour a local attraction.
UB interacts with humans at the laundromat.
UB witnesses opposite personalities of Emu.